Pledge: Roger Gross
4- Way Test: Larry Reed
Invocation: Joe Fiorella
Fine Master: Paul Banas
50/50 Tickets Sales: Vern Anderson
Visiting Rotarians:
Guests: Greg Berwick
50/50 Ace of Hearts Ticket Sales and Balance: Starting Balance: $488.00. Today’s Collection $27.00 Ending Balance. $515.00 Bob Klein picked up the Jack of Spades and donated it back.
Amherst Town Justice Geoffrey Klein shared his career experiences with the group. Judge Klein progress walked the audience through his journey into Marine Corps, State Trooper, Law School and eventually in the role as Amherst Town judge. The audience asked various questions about the type and volume of cases handled by the department through its drug court, veterans court, gambling and other court cases. Judge Klein indicated that his success relied heavily on the team of excellent staff that worked with him.
The group agreed that 2/16/14 will be a regular meeting day and that no special valentines day dinner will be arranged. Too short a time frame plus not enough interest and presence on that day.
Wine celebration is on for Friday April 17th. Please mark the day.
For those interested in the Chili cook off it must be done in a professional kitchen. A photo and certificate of the kitchens credibility needs to be provided. .
Next week’s speaker is Rob Wallace of Canterbury Woods a new project at Gates Circle in Buffalo.
Rotary Leadership Institutions sessions is on March 1st at NCC. If anybody is interested please let President Behan know.
Mrs. Tim Henderson will take on Catherine Dulmus’s role for Libby.
The meeting concluded at 7:30 pm.
We missed you: Ronald Axelrod, Mike Burns Mary Biddle-Widman, Tony Cangialosi, Joseph Catherine, Victoria D’Angelo, Stephen Dyson, Kevin Flint, Adam Guglielmi, Tim Henderson, Mike Prinzbach, Norman Mattar, Ed Rath,, Jim Rumsey, Mike Sirriano, Edward Stachura, Thomas Vacanti, and Richard Wojtowicz.