Upstate New York Transplant Services (UNYTS) started in 1981, and their mission is to obtain and distribute transplantable organs for those who need them.  Michelle Holder works to spread the word about this organization.                                                                                      


 By Jim Pawlicki


 She began because many years ago, her 4-1/2 year old God-Daughter died tragically, and her family wisely donated all of her organs, which were all viable and helped to continue the lives of many perople.  In all, over 50 people were helped by this generous and thoughtful donation.  Organ donation is considered a right in all 50 states, but if you intend to donate, you must make sure all of your relatives understand your wishes, because if there is dissent after your death, your donation will not be honored.  Right now, the greatest needs for donations are cornea.  The Buffalo area has the highest number of donation per capita in the nation.

Blood is the 2nd highest cost for hospitals.  UNYTS is a community blood bank which began this type of service in 1986 to help the area hospitals keep their costs down.  All blood donated in the area stays in the area hospitals.  UNYTS is responsible for reducing area hospital blood costs by as much as 15%.  Donations of blood can be whole blood, platelets, or pheresis (sorry if the spelling is wrong).  Platelets are especially a needed item, because the shelf life is only five days.

All Rotary clubs should consider making pledges for donating organs, and regularly giving blood.